What is autonomous democracy? Actual examples are presented by Zapatistas in Mexico, yellow vests in France and the culturally advanced democracy of Venezuela.
Seven facets of Autonomous Democracy
facet one maintains Free Market Balance
facet two = Executive function
facet three ensures justice in law
facet four = Legislative function
facet five = Judicial function
facet six ensures complete accurate information
facet seven = Constituent assembly is collected intelligence expressed
Human Earth Life manifest as cosmic powered biology focuses at life speed
Jérôme Métellus explains french yellow vests as spring 2019 approaches; "The citizen's initiative referendum has emerged as the central democratic theme for the yellow vests. It's principle is simple; If a sufficient number of citizens so request, a referendum will be held on any matter of public interest: law, the constitution, dismissal of an elected representative, and so on."
Imagine a new independence day in France. Imagine living as part of a new seven facet government directed by autonomous democracy, the focused intelligence of people organizing and living as a new system of government that heals Earth with human rights and more fun.
Garrett Tobin Connelly, editor